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Daily Questions - Part 1



Hi guys, welcome to a lifelong habit of exercise. I'm Coach Kendra and this is episode two. Today we are going to talk about daily questions. Last week we discussed questions and how they are important to us overall in our daily lives, and changing habits and how questions can serve us so much better. So, today we are going to discuss daily questions and why they are important. So one of the things with daily questions is they slow us down. We talked about questions in general. But when we ask a question to ourselves every single day, and commit to asking that question every single day, that means that at that time, it takes a chance for us to just slow down and when we slow down, we get a chance to evaluate. We get to see where we are, and we also get a kind of appreciate where we've been. So it gives us a chance to slow us down to evaluate. It also gives us a chance to anticipate, and plan, and make adjustments if we need to. So I really like daily questions. I don't like asking a million questions that are every single day planned out to be the exact same questions. As you learned last week, I do like asking a million questions. But a million daily questions may not benefit us the way that we want them to. So I like to plan out just a certain number of questions every single day. Normally, it's between one and four that I'm going to ask myself every single day, and you may have different questions that you ask yourself in the morning versus at nighttime because at nighttime, you may be looking back at the day and seeing what happened for the day, how did the day go? Whereas in the morning, you may be more anticipatory and asking yourself, what do I have planned? How is this gonna go? I'm gonna give you guys three of the daily questions that I use with my Check Your TEMP program. Again, this is some That that's my one on one program that I have. And it is a Check Your TEMP program, we really dig deep into these three daily questions as part of the program. And it is one of the things that I'm going to give you over the next few episodes, I'm going to give you these three questions. And this is a beginning of how you establish that lifelong habit of exercise. And again, in my program that we do, we go into these deeper, but what I'm going to do with you guys is over the next three or four episodes, I'm going to dig in deep with you guys into each one of these and kind of get you to understand what it is that you're looking for when you're asking these questions and why it is that these questions are the ones that I've chosen for the people that I work with, and I recommend highly. So daily question number one that we discuss is what do you think about your upcoming workout for the day? So this is a question that you would ask yourself in the morning. This is also something that if you wanted to do it the night before and look forward to the next day, this is also something that you could say, what do you think about your upcoming exercise for tomorrow? So the way that I like to use it is what do you think about your upcoming exercise for the day? So the same day and the reason I like this question is because it gives us our thoughts. What do you think about your upcoming exercise for today, and it gives you your thoughts. If you've worked with me before, if you've heard me talk, if you are a friend of mine, if anything as far as that goes, and as you continue to hear me and listen to me and get to know me more, you will understand that thoughts are something that are basically the basis of everything. They create our results, thoughts or where our results are actually beginning. So our thoughts create a feeling within us. When we have that feeling, an emotion, the feeling is an emotion, when we have that emotion within us, it causes us to take action, or causes us to take inaction and not do something. And then that is what that action then leads to our results. So ultimately, our thoughts lead to our results. So you will hear me say that over and over, we will discuss that many times. So our thoughts are basically the basis of almost everything that it is that we do, all the results that we get in our life, all the results that we don't get in our life, all of those things, what we currently have, is because of our thoughts, now, I know automatically, some of you guys are going to want to give me push-back on that. But just think about the things right now. Think about what you have in your life. And I want you guys to think about different things. Think about how much different it could be if you understood that everything began with your thoughts. A lot of times what we do is we're not intentional. And I think a lot of that is this, we don't realize that we can be intentional, we don't realize that there's a possibility and a way to be intentional. And that's why it seems like right now, your current results in your life may not have begun with your thoughts. But I'm here to tell you that that's great news, because our thoughts are things that we have a capability of controlling. Now, when people hear that then they automatically want to learn how, and then they automatically want to control them to make their life The best thing that it could possibly be and make it all daisies and rainbows and great 100% of the time. So as we continue on with this podcast, and as you continue to hear more, I will tell you right now that I don't recommend, as you learn that you can be aware of your thoughts in that your thoughts are actually what cause your results that you change your thoughts right away to get different results. I don't recommend that. So, my daily question number one is, what do you think about your upcoming exercise for the day? And what I want you to do with that, I don't want you to look at that and automatically change. Like I said, when you realize that your results are something that begin with your thoughts, a lot of times what we want to do is right away, change our thoughts. Again, I don't want you I don't recommend that you immediately change your thoughts. This is a process that I will help you to understand a little bit more, but right now, we're going to do these questions one at a time. But as you spend more time with me, I will help you to understand why it is that we don't want to necessarily change our thoughts right away. Yes, we have the capability to but that may not get us to really be where we want to be. So I want to talk about the thoughts. What do you think about your upcoming exercise for the day? I want you guys to understand that with this because again, I just told you that you have the ability to change your thoughts, which means that your thoughts are optional. So our thoughts are things that are not necessarily the facts. So I am sitting in this house, that is a fact. There is no opinion tied to that. That is, okay? So our thoughts are sentences that are in our brain. Many of them have opinions tied to them. A lot of times we think that because we've had a belief, which is a collection of thoughts that we've thought over and over, we've taught them for so long, sometimes we think that our beliefs are facts. These are all things that we will get into and apply coming episodes, so I don't want to spend too much time on them. But I want to start to introduce you to some things in terms and different ideas that will help you along the way. So we have thoughts, our thoughts are optional. The other thing I want you to understand are, you are not your thoughts. So one of the things we discussed last episode was getting a notebook and getting a notebook so that you can write down all of your questions, all of your thoughts, all of the answers to certain questions that you ask along the way. One of those things is that I really recommend you writing down your daily questions. So if you are going to start incorporating this daily question number one, I want you to write down the answers to it. Whatever you come up with, remember, I don't know, is something we want to really stay away from, what do you think about your upcoming exercise for the day. Now, when you write that down, I want you to completely write it unfiltered, everything that comes to mind. We talked about that the other day, the good, the bad, the ugly write it all down. What do you think about your upcoming exercise today? You may be completely dreading it, you may be extremely looking forward to it. It may be the best thing ever, it may be something that you wish you would never ever have to do ever again. write it all down, write down every single thing that comes to your mind. good, the bad, the ugly, write it all down. And when I say you are not your thoughts, the reason I like you to write them down the reason I like to write my thoughts down is so that I can look at them on paper and I can detach them from myself. When I leave them in my head.


And when I leave them going on in my brain where I'm just constantly thinking about them, I have an attachment to them. It is a lot harder for me to see them and understand that they are not a part of me as a person. Like my thoughts are not who I am. My thoughts are just things that I am thinking. My thoughts are not who I am. So that's the other reason I want you to write down the good, the bad, the ugly, write them all down. So then you can look at them to look at them on paper and see that they are words on a paper, when they're out of your head. All they are are words on a paper when they are in your head. All they are are words in your head it is just a thought. Okay? Now, what we want to do is we talked about being intentional. We brought that up as the week when we create the results that we want. When you create the results that you want you use these thoughts and find the ones that serve you. Last week we talked about questions that serve you. So what you will end up doing and I will help you guys with along the way and this is what I work with intense one on one In my Check Your TEMP program, one on one individual personalized. We work on specific thoughts, and we look at those thoughts and we figure out what thoughts serve you specifically to the results that you want to get to, and what thoughts are not serving you. So when you put them on paper, you see that they're just words on a piece of paper. The words that are in your head are now just words on a piece of paper. Now we can look at those and see which ones of those will help me to get to where I want to be. So our thoughts that serve us, we are not our thoughts, our thoughts that serve us will help us our thoughts that don't serve us won't help us. Now, a lot of times, we try to do things a lot different and we try to think that our actions are the things that are going to get our results and our actions just happen. If I do this, then I will do this or a lot of times we think that our actions are the things that will make us feel differently. Remember I said at the beginning, our thoughts are what leads to our feelings or our emotions. And our emotions are what leads to our actions, and then we get our results. So the biggest thing that I want you guys to get from today are the daily questions. Why we ask ourselves the daily questions, we want to begin establishing that lifelong habit. I talked to you guys the other day about breaking that cycle of inconsistency. Right now, you're probably here listening to this because you've probably gotten stuck in the cycle of inconsistency. And that's not a bad thing. I personally know firsthand that I have been able to get stuck in that cycle of inconsistency and when you were stuck in that cycle of inconsistency unless you interrupt it and disrupt it, big time, you're going to continue and you're going to perpetuate that thing on and on and on and on and on. So I am a former college athlete and I used to think that because I was an athlete all my life, I started in athletics when I was in kindergarten, and I finished in athletics when I was 22 years old. And I started coaching right away. So I've been coaching for 10 years. I've been coaching for 10 years. And what I've done is I thought that when I finished playing, that was 20 years of experience, 20 years of experience of working out exercising almost daily, and you would think that it would just be ingrained in you. I thought it would just be ingrained in you and me, but what really happened was, once I finished competing, almost one of the last things I wanted to do was exercise. So these daily questions helped me to look at things differently - helped me to every day, take one day at a time. Every day, evaluate where I am at and also appreciate the things that I've done. Our brain sometimes wants to minimize things because we don't see the results right away. But we also have to appreciate what we've done, even if that was a baby step. So we can anticipate and we can adjust. But this first question that what do you think about your upcoming exercise for the day gives us a chance to be aware. When we look at our thoughts, we have a chance to be aware, and that is something that a lot of us miss. We have a chance to be aware. Remember, I really want you to be unfiltered because in order to be aware, you need to know what's really going on. You have to be aware of the entire situation. If you go into a situation and you only know half of the situation. Say you have kids and you're coming home from work and the kids have been doing something but you only the kids run up to you and only give you half of the story. You're not very aware you don't have the entire picture to make a judgment off of what is really going on. Maybe one of the kids fell. So you have two kids, and one of your kids fell and they came to you crying, and they're crying hysterically, and they're trying to tell you what happened and you can't understand through their crying. But the other kid, your other son or daughter, witnessed it all happen, but they're not telling you what's going on, but only your child is crying hysterically, and you can't hear them through the sobbing tears is trying to tell you what happened.  Then, what's happening there is like the awareness, if we're unwilling to write down everything, the good, the bad, the ugly, we're only getting part of the story. We're only getting part of that story and we can't really see what's happening. We can't truly get a feel for what's happening we made like we can see there's crying happening, we can see that that's happening, but we aren't being able to see the entire picture because we're only getting part of the story. So when you write down things, I really want you to write it down unfiltered because then you can look and see the entire story on paper, not in your head. When it's in your head, sometimes we still only get part of the story because it's in our head and swimming around. And sometimes that we have so many thoughts, that sometimes it's just hard to keep track of when we write it down, we get it out of our head, we can look at it, we can see the entire story. And then we can make things from there. We can do things from there when we are aware, that gives us unbelievable power, when we just become aware. So that is the first thing that I want you guys to do. I want you guys to start becoming aware, aware of what's going on. So daily question number one I work with and I love it. What do you think about your upcoming exercise for the day? This will help us to begin to start becoming aware of what is going on, what it is. You may see things that you may be like, Oh, well now you may see it right away. As soon as you write it down. You may be like "Well, no wonder, no wonder I don't want to exercise. That's the thought I'm having about it." Maybe your thought is, it's so hot outside, I might pass out. No wonder you don't want to exercise. And I'm not saying that you get rid of that thought and just go outside and exercise. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying now we are going to become aware of what's going on. Before we may not have understood why now we're going to become more aware. All right, you guys. That is all that I have for today. I love talking about this. And this is something that I could go on for days and days and days and talk about this but I understand that this is also something that our brains are just getting comfortable with. So I want you again like I said the daily questions help us to slow things down. And so just like slowing things down, we are going to take things in very bite sized pieces. We You're gonna look at things and examine them a little bit smaller than what some of us would like to, but we're going to take them slow, so that it is digestible and it is then doable. So you guys for the next week, what I really want you guys to do is start asking yourself, even if it is just this one question every single day. Every single day, remember, your exercise doesn't have to be strenuous. It just has to be consistent. So every single day, if you start asking yourself this question, maybe it's just a walk, what do I think about my upcoming exercise for the day? What do I think about that walk that I'm going to take? What do I think about that stretching that I'm going to do? What do I think about those push-ups that I'm going to do whatever it is that you want to do for your exercise. Remember, it does not have to be strenuous. It just has to be consistent, and start becoming aware, aware of the thoughts. Your thoughts are not you. Your thoughts are optional. But your thoughts are not you. We will look more at that your thoughts are optional part. I just want you guys to understand and start wrapping your head around that. Your thoughts are what leads to your results. And your thoughts are the basis of everything we will talk about. You guys, I am so happy we just got done with episode number two. I am so happy that you guys joined me I'm so glad you are here. I cannot wait to see where all of this can go. This is such an amazing experience/opportunity.


I thank you all for tuning in. I thank you all for taking the time out of your busy busy days.


And I appreciate you guys so so much. Until next time. If you guys love this podcast, you will love my Check Your TEMP program. It is a personalized program that we dig deep into everything we discuss on this podcast.  Work with me for one month and never stop exercising again. Head over to to set up a FREE Mini session.

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